What do you choose?

Life is all about choices. And we are the result of the combination of choices and decisions we have made.

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Why you shouldn’t rest on your laurels

Because somewhere out there, someone could be desperately trying and working to put you out of business.

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How Roneil got a job at Oracle through networking

Many say that networking is the best way to get a job. This is how Roneil got his at Oracle, even though the job was originally meant for experienced hires.

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30 Ways to have a Kickass 2016

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6 Benefits of having Great Company

They say that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Here's what having great company can do for you.

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7 reasons to call the company before your job interview

Going for a job interview soon? Don't just research the company online - do this and get an extra edge over the other candidates.

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6 reasons why you are and will stay jobless

The harsh truth on why some people are jobless and remain jobless. Don't read this if you are faint-hearted.

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How to run your meetings like Steve Jobs

A survey revealed that people spend 6.5 hours a week on meetings - almost a full work day. Here's how Steve Jobs does meetings instead.

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8 things to do after being retrenched

Being made redundant is one of the most undesirable things that can happen to a professional, but it's not the end of the world.

2 Comments10 Minutes

5 reasons why we need to pause and reflect

In life, there's always work coming in and things to do, and it's so easy to be overwhelmed at the end of the day. Therefore, it's important to slow down, take a pit stop to pause…

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