What 2 cab drivers told me about Uber

All taxi drivers I spoke to acknowledged Uber's impact on their business. Who survives the disruption is totally up to them.

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5 Ways You Stand Out as an International Student in the Jobs Market

Coming from a foreign country and having to assimilate yourself in a new environment is not an easy feat. And not to mention finding your point of difference when competing with…

2 Comments6 Minutes

Why the bottom of the barrel exists

People rise to the top through excellence or sink to the bottom because of mediocrity. Being mediocre might feel safe and comfortable, but it is seriously dangerous. The bottom of…

0 Comments8 Minutes

Be exceptional, find your point of difference, have a great attitude – interview with Brian

I recently got the chance to pick the brain of Brian Holmes, Director of Xponential Philanthropy, an organisation specialising in raising millions of dollars for not-for-profit…

0 Comments4 Minutes

How Alex got a job without even sending a single resume

Most people apply for jobs the conventional way - sitting behind a computer and adopting the spray-and-pray approach to sending out resumes/applications. Here's how Alex, an…

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Why stepping out of your comfort zone is so darn good for you

Earlier today, I had a 30min phone call with an editor from Business Insider Australia. The conversation went smoothly not only because I was sure of the topics but because of…

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What a kid who spilled milk taught me about naysayers

Once upon a time, a kid in Sunday School accidentally spilled milk on the floor. What unfolded was a lesson about naysayers.

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